Kamis, 28 September 2017



Good morning everyone, my name is Bena Putka and i will be your guide for this trip. First i will give you a little bit information about our destination. We will go to Sabang IslandSabang is placed in the westest side of Indonesia and also located in Aceh. First, we will go by a plane to Banda Aceh, and then from Banda Aceh we will go to Ulèë Lheuë (ulelu) Sea Port.  It will takes around 45minutes to get to Sabang Island by a boat. 

For your information, Aceh is a really strict-moslem city. They called Aceh as "Serambi Mekah" it means this city is blessed by their god. And Sabang is a part of Aceh. So i suggest you to dont use bikinis or something see-thru to respect their culture. And this rule is also applied for those who wants to go to any beaches in Aceh/Sabang. 

In 2004
, theres a tsunami in Aceh. A really huge tsunami and sabang also get the impact of that. So many people dies and houses destroyed. And unfortunately, the coral in Sabang are broken too. For your information, those coral need a hundred years to reborn. So the coral here is not as much like before in 2004. 

Sabang is an island and also a very small city. In this city we surrounded by the sea. So we can hear the sound of the wave. And every step we take we can see the sea. There's a place called 0 kilometer Indonesia, its means like you're standing in the very west point in Indonesia. And then there's a beach called Iboih beach, its a famous beach in Sabang, you can go snorkeling in the really clear and  emerald water for a very affordable price. For those who dont want to do snorkeling but want to see a beautifull sight inside the water, you can rent a boat, the boat had a glass inside of it so you can see underwater. This sea water is still clear because not many people visit this island.

I think thats all i can tell you about Sabang Island and additionally Aceh. Thank you for your attention, if you have any question you can ask me. Have a nice day!


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