Kamis, 28 September 2017



Karakter: Itali
  • Terbuka, komunikatif, romantis, ekspresif, agak cerewet khususnya jika sudah kenal.
  • Kurang disiplin, dan sulit ditangani, tetapi mereka mudah beradaptasi dengan keadaan setempat artinya terbuka dan bersahabat.
  • Menyukai tempat-tempat mewah tetapi sedapat mungkin harga nya murah, bisa ditawar untuk hemat.
  • Menyukai kebudayaan tradisional dan seni serta pemandangan alam yang romantis seperti Palm Beach.

Karakter: Cina
  • Pentingkan nilai dan prinsip.
  • Menyukai harga murah dan tidak mementingkan fasilitas dan pelayanan.
  • Banyak bicara/cerewet/ramah sekali dan perbincangan perlu ada timbal balik.
  • Sembarang tindakan lebih dikedepankan.
  • Menonjolkan peran dan pesan budaya cina.
  • Orang cina tergolong tidak sabaran dan gampang marah bila tidak cepat bertindak.
  • Menyukai bahasa sendiri daripada bahasa Inggris.
  • Suka bergerombol dalam satu kelompok ramai-ramai.
  • Selalu berpikir ekonomis.
  • Orang cina sifatnya tertutup, kecuali kepada yang sudah dikenal dan di percaya.




Karakter: Belanda
  • Perhatian sekali terhadap kesehatan dan sanitasi, khususnya makanan dan minuman.
  • Hubungan sejarah yang kuat, suka mengunjungi tempat-tempat bernostalgia seperti keluarga yang dahulu tinggal dan bekerja di perkebunan ataupun makam nenek moyangnya. Semua ini informasinya didapat dari sejarah yang dia pelajari dari sekolahnya.
  • Suka informasi yang spesifik dan akurat, tapi kecewa apabila informasi tersebut tidak benar.
  • Disiplin, taat peraturan, bersahabat, suka humor tetapi tidak selalu terbuka, terus terang dalam memberikan komentar dan reaksi.
  • Sangat tertarik dengan bentuk-bentuk kebudayaan dan pemandangan alam yang indah serta perkembangan-perkembangan yang terjadi.
  • Suka melihat bangunan-bangunan bersejarah tentang masa lalu Belanda di Indonesia.

Karakter: Singapura
  • Karakter orang Singapura seperti karakter orang Cina modern.
  • Disiplin, walaupun orangnya kecil tetapi tegas dan berkomitmen tinggi.
  • Suka judi, club, dan suka belanja.
  • Menyukai fasilitas dan pelayanan sederhana, sangat tertarik dengan atraksi alam, dan keunikan modernisasi.




Karakter : Canada
  • Senang dengan aspek – aspek yang mendetail dari suatu kebudayaan seperti tari –tarian, upacara – upacara, sebaliknya tidak begitu tertarik kapada pola – pola kebudayaan. 
  • Suka akan pemandangan alam yang indah juga kepada pola – pola perkembangan masa kini.
  •  Senang dengan hotel mewah dan pelayanan yang baik serta transportasi yang nyaman.
  •  Sangat memperhatikan kebersihan dan kesehatan terutama makanan dan minuman.
  •  Tidak suka perjalanan yang lama, mereka lebih menyukai perjalanan yang singkat, dan bergerak cepat dan tepat.
  •  Terbuka, jujur, dan langsung dalam berkomentar serta tanggap terhadap pelayanan, dan fasilitas yang diperoleh.
  •   Sopan santun dan bertingkah laku baik dan formal, tapi pada umumnya mereka ramah.
  •   Mudah diatur jika mereka menerima pelayanan dan fasilitas yang menyenangkan.
  • Secara keseluruhan orang Kanada kurang mendalami apresiasi budaya dibandingkan dengan orang Italia. Mereka jujur, terbuka, ramah, namun sangat menginginkan pelayanan dan fasilitas yang berkualitas serta menyenangkan.

Karakter: Korea
  • Pentingkan nilai dan prinsip
  • Menyukai harga murah dan tidak terlalu mementingkan fasilitas dan pelayanan.
  • Banyak bicara/cerewet/ramah sekali dan perbincangan perlu ada timbal balik.
  • Sembarang tindakan lebih dikedepankan.
  • Menonjolkan peran dan kesan budaya cina.
  • Orang korea tergolong tidak sabaran dan gampang marah bila tidak bertindak.
  • Lebih menyukai bahasa sendiri daripada Bahasa Inggris.
  • Suka bergerombol dalam satu kelompok ramai-ramai.
  • Selalu berpikir ekonomis.

  • Orang korea sifatnya tertutup, kecuali kepada yang sudah dikenal dan dipercaya.




Karakter: Jepang
  • Melakukan perjalanan kelompok dan sangat takut kalau lepas dari grupnya.
  • Disiplin, komitmen terhadap janji dan jadwal, orang Jepang tertutup dia tidak mudah percaya dengan orang yang belum dia pahami, bila sekali saja tidak dapat kepercayaan maka susah untuk percaya lagi.
  • Menyukai masakan Jepang dan Eropa.
  • Suka belanja kerajinan tangan, barang tradisional.
  • Tertarik pada sesuatu yang unik dan suka difoto serta kehidupan malam.
  • Suka fasilitas dan pelayanan standar tinggi yang ditangani langsung oleh orang-orang Jepang sendiri, atau paling tidak ada karyawan yang mau menggunakan bahasa Jepang.
  • Tidak pernah langsung mengemukakan kekecewaan atau kemarahan selalu mengikuti saja, namun kekecewaan dilampiaskan lewat tulisan setelah kembali ke negaranya.

Karakter : Australia
  • Terbuka, arogan, egois, dan terkadang sulit ditangani tetapi terkadang mereka juga bersahabat.
  • Tidak terlalu suka dengan banyak aturan. (Lebih menyukai kebebasan)
  • Menyukai harga murah meriah dan tidak terlalu mementingkan kemewahan fasilitas dan pelayanan.
  • Ceroboh dan sembarang tindakah lebih di kedepakan dan cara berpakaian terkadang sangat ekstrim.
  • Menyukai pantai dan kebudayaan tradisional.
  • Menyukai perjalanan secara individu ( backpacker ) dan kurang menyukai berkelompok.
  • Pemuda Australia sangat menyukai kehidupan malam seperti club.




Karakter: Inggris
  • Disiplin, egois, menjaga prestigious atau citra, secara psikologis melayani orang dengan bersahabat tetapi juga mempunyai kepribadian ingin dilayani dengan baik.
  • Teliti dalam pengeluaran uang, rapi dan komitmennya tinggi.
  • Individualistis dan mandiri, tidak menyukai perjalanan berkelompok atau grup, lebih menyukai perjalanan sendiri.
  • Hangat, sopan, mempunyai tingkah laku yang baik dan menjaga hubungan persahabatan.
  • Kurang terbuka seperti orang eropa lainnya dan mempunyai kepribadian yang kuat.
  • Tertarik budaya tradisional dan karakteristiknya menyukai pantai serta alam yang indah.
  • Tidak suka privasinya diganggu.

Karakter: Amerika
  • Menyukai fasilitas dan pelayanan standar kualitas tinggi.
  • Menyukai aspek kebudayaan tradisional seperti tarian, upacara adat dan upacara keagamaan.
  • Menyukai pemandangan alam yang indah, termasuk pantai dan tertarik dengan bentuk perkembangan yang terjadi.
  • Tidak menyukai perjalanan kaki jauh suka perjalanan dekat dan berpindah-pindah.
  • Bersahabat, sopan, bertingkah laku baik, sedikit formal, jujur, terbuka langsung dalam mengekspresikan pendapat dan reaksi tentang apa saja tanpa memandang perbedaan status.
  • Suka pengalaman baru, bentuk informasi terbaru dan akurat, bersahabat, toleran, mudah beradaptasi, humoris, terbuka sedikit kasar, serta suka bersosialisasi dengan penduduk setempat walaupun terkadang juga banyak yang egois maupun individualistis.
  • Menerima dan menyukai fasilitas dan pelayanan yang sederhana, murah meriah, seadanya dan sering pindah-pindah dengan melakukan perjalanan sendiri.
  • Menyukai kebudayaan desa dan aktivitas pantai yang tradisional serta aktivitas dunia malam seperti diskotik.




Karakter: Perancis
  • Tertarik pada kebudayaan tradisional, pranata sosial, tarian drama, musik, seni, upacara adat dan keagamaan serta nuansa pedesaan.
  • Tertarik belajar dan berkunjung ke atraksi wisata yang spesifik khususnya tempat-tempat arkeologi, candi-candi kuno dan tempat-tempat yang dikomersilkan.
  • Suka mencoba pengalaman dan aktivitas baru serat cenderung berpetualang.
  • Suka belanja kerajinan tangan dan barang-barang antik.
  • Tidak mau tergesa-gesa atau ceroboh, selalu berpikir panjang, dan teliti.
  • Bersahabat, disiplin, memiliki tingkah laku yang baik, sopan dan patuh pada peraturan tetapi mudah kecewa apabila tidak menyukai sesuatu.
  • Suka berbicara dengan bahasa Perancis walaupun dapat berbahasa Inggris.
  • Cenderung berpakaian sesuai dengan situasinya, bisa rapi sekali/modis. berparfum dan juga terkadang cara berpakaian sangat ekstrim saat dipantai.
  • Sangat romantis, kalem, walaupun tradisional tetapi intelektualnya kuat.
  • Saat makan ingin menikmati dengan berlama-lama dalam suasana romantis.

Karakter: Jerman
  • Sopan, terbuka, memliki tingkah laku yang baik, mengomentari langsung setiap pengalaman mereka.
  • Suka belanja souvenir dari batu dan kayu.
  • Toleransi pada fasilitas dan pelayanan yang berbeda.
  • Keingintahuannya tinggi terhadap sesuatu, bahkan sampai mendetail.
  • Suka daerah yang apa adanya, murni dan ingin mengetahui atraksi hingga tuntas.
  • Tertarik pada kebudayaan tradisional, upacara keagamaan, tarian, tempat sejarah, pemandangan yang indah dan suka membandingkan kebudayaan tradisional satu dengan yang lainnya.
  • Menyukai perjalanan sesama bangsanya, terkadang kurang bisa bergabung dengan bangsa lain.
  • Disiplin, teliti, mempunyai organisasi yang baik, komitmen, dan intelek.




Good Afternoon Ladies, Welcome to Kelimutu Lake Wonderful Tour! How are you? Great, I'm glad to hear that.First of all let me introduce myself, my name is Saskia Permatasari but you can call me Saskia for short, i'm from Sahid Jaya Tour and Travel. I will be your guide in this tour.

Well Ladies, before we start our tour tomorrow morning now i'd like to give you a travel tips on Kelimutu Lake. The first, because the air temeprature in this tourist attraction is quite cold in the morning, so make sure you bring warm clothes such as jackets and head coverings. The second, because we headed to Kelimutu Lake at dawn, make sure you bring a handlight for street lighting or it would be better if the headlight so you are not bothered to take it.

Ladies, after we talk about travel tips on Kelimutu Lake, now i'd like to give you information about Kelimutu Lake. Kelimutu Lake is located on the island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. East Nusa Tenggara is located in the eastern part of Lesser Sunda Islands and includes West Timor.
The Provincial capital is Kupang in West Timor. The province consists of about 566 islands, the largest and most dominant are Flores, Sumba, and West Timor.

Kelimutu Lake is one of the lake that is not only famous in Indonesian but also abroad. Kelimutu Lake is a must-visit place, because the changing water color and also its place on the top of the mountain offers the beauty of an exotic alley that will never be forgotten by tourists who come to this place. The name of Kelimutu is a combination of words from "Keli" which means mountain and the word "Mutu" which means to boil.

Kelimutu Lake is also known as a three color lake because each lake has a different color. There are experts who say it happens because of the material composition that is in the bottom of the lake. But there are those who say that the change of color follows the political atmosphere of our country. It is said that if the country of Indonesia is peaceful and peaceful then the color of the lake will be blue. If the political atmosphere is churning or heating up the color of the lake will turn red.

3 Lake in Kelimutu Lake consists of Tiwu Ata Polo is red, Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai is milky white, Tiwu Ata Bupu is green.

Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Lake and Ata Polo Lake are located side by side only separated by a cliff-shaped basin. To get to Kelimutu Lake we need about 4 hours.

Arriving at the parking of Kelimutu Lake, we must climb the stairs for 20 minutes to arrive at Kelimutu Lake. In some stair paths, we can find some typical Flores scent sold by local people. In Kelimutu Lake there are several facilities such as restaurants, parking areas and toilets. Kelimutu Lake Tourism object is open 24 hours because this place is a mountain tourism object that can be climbed at any time. 

However, because the climb is not too long so that no tourists stay at the top of Kelimutu Lake. It's just that most tourists come to Kelimutu Lake aroung 2 or 3 am in order to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise on the eastern horizon of the peak of  Kelimutu Lake. 

Allright ladies, i think its enough about Kelimutu Lake. I hope you are in good condition and enjoy in this tour. Don't forget we meet again at 2 am and don't forget to bring jacket, head coverings, handlight or headlight. Have a nice sleep. See you!




Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman! How are you today? Okay, first of all let me introduce myself. My name is Luthfi Azizah you can call me Azizah for short. I'm you guide for today and now i want to tell you about Gili Trawangan.

Gili Trawangan is the largest city of Lombok Gili Islands. It is the only one to rise above sea level, it is 3 km long and 2 km wide. The Island have a population about 800 people and then Gili Trawangan has the most Tourist Facilities. There are like swimming, diving, water sport, snorkeling, etc. And then for the access to go to Gili Trawangan we have to ride a vehicle like Cidomo.

Cidomo is a vehicle carried by a horse like Andong or Dokar. So why we should use Cidomo for access to go to Cidomo? Because in Gili Trawangan there is no motorcycle to get there. So from the Local Regulation we have to use the vehicle like Cidomo.

Gili Trawangan it has 2 islands, like Gili Meno and Gili Air. In Gili Trawangan we can enjoy the sunset and sunrise on the beach. We can also see Traditional Martial Arts like a Persean or Stick Fighting and the most favorite Tourist Activity is like Scuba Diving, Snorkeling, and Surfing.

Okay, i think it's enough that i can give you information about Gili Trawangan. Thank you for listening and corperation. I hope you are enjoy for today and happy for travelling! 




Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman! How are you today? Good, good to hear that! So i would like to welcoming you to Bora Bora Island.

First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Nataly, and today i'll be your tour guide in these whole day. If you guys need anything, feel free to ask me okay!

Basically, in here there's some do's and don'ts such as rules in here. For do's, please feel free to take a picture with Bora Bora Island view for memorable keepsake. For don'ts i think it's not hard to do, just keep clean wherever and whenever you are. Do not throw trash carelessly in this area. And please be safe.

Generally, Bora Bora is a major international tourist destination, famous for its aqua-centric luxury resorts. The major settlement, Vaitape, is on the western side of the main islan, opposite the main channel into the lagoon. Produce of the island is mostly limited to what can be obtained from the sea and the plentiful coconut trees, which were historically of economic importance for copra.

The island's economy is driven almost solely by tourism. Several resorts have been built on motu (small islands, from Tahitian) surrounding the lagoon. Hotel Bora Bora opened in 1961, and nine years later built the first over-the-water bungalows on stilts over the lagoon. Today, over-water bungalows are a standard feature of most Bora Bora resorts. The quality of those bungalows ranges from comparably cheap, basic accomodations to very luxurious and expensive places to stay.

Most of the tourist destinations are aqua-centric; however it is possible to visit attractions on land such as WWII cannons. Air Tahiti has five or six flights daily to the Bora Bora Airport on Motu Mute from Tahiti (as well as from other islands).

Public transport on the island is nonexistent so rental cars and bicycles are the recommended methods of transport. There are also small, two-seater buggies for hire in Vaitape. It is possible to rent a motorboat to explore the lagoon.

Snorkeling and scuba diving in and around the lagoon of Bora Bora are popular activities. Many species of sharks and rays inhabit the surrounding body of water. There are a few dive operators on the island offering manta ray dives and also shark-feeding dives.

The unique of this island is the water. The wonderful thing about Bora Bora is that you can be as active or inactive as you wish to be. Since water is a way of life on the island, popular lagoon excursions include snorkeling, diving, cruising, fishing, paddle boarding, kite surfing, jet skiing, and of course, shark and ray feeding. You can also take your experience to new heights by parasailing, skydiving, or touring the island by helicopter. Once seen, Bora Bora is never forgotten. From the day you arrive until the moment you part ways, you will be in awe of how her soaring mountain peaks, turquoise lagoon and luxuriant over water bungalows somehow look even more spectacular than the pictures.

So that's the generally that i can explain to you all about Bora Bora Island, hope you guys can enjoy and be happy in this kind of place with your beloved ones. May your day would be wonderful and memorable as you want to be. Thank you for your attention, and see you!




Good morning everyone, my name is Bena Putka and i will be your guide for this trip. First i will give you a little bit information about our destination. We will go to Sabang IslandSabang is placed in the westest side of Indonesia and also located in Aceh. First, we will go by a plane to Banda Aceh, and then from Banda Aceh we will go to Ulèë Lheuë (ulelu) Sea Port.  It will takes around 45minutes to get to Sabang Island by a boat. 

For your information, Aceh is a really strict-moslem city. They called Aceh as "Serambi Mekah" it means this city is blessed by their god. And Sabang is a part of Aceh. So i suggest you to dont use bikinis or something see-thru to respect their culture. And this rule is also applied for those who wants to go to any beaches in Aceh/Sabang. 

In 2004
, theres a tsunami in Aceh. A really huge tsunami and sabang also get the impact of that. So many people dies and houses destroyed. And unfortunately, the coral in Sabang are broken too. For your information, those coral need a hundred years to reborn. So the coral here is not as much like before in 2004. 

Sabang is an island and also a very small city. In this city we surrounded by the sea. So we can hear the sound of the wave. And every step we take we can see the sea. There's a place called 0 kilometer Indonesia, its means like you're standing in the very west point in Indonesia. And then there's a beach called Iboih beach, its a famous beach in Sabang, you can go snorkeling in the really clear and  emerald water for a very affordable price. For those who dont want to do snorkeling but want to see a beautifull sight inside the water, you can rent a boat, the boat had a glass inside of it so you can see underwater. This sea water is still clear because not many people visit this island.

I think thats all i can tell you about Sabang Island and additionally Aceh. Thank you for your attention, if you have any question you can ask me. Have a nice day!




Hey guys! Good Morning, first of all let me introduce myself, my name is Melliany you can call me mel for short. And i will be your guide for today, i want to tell you a little bit about Labuan Bajo. I want to offer the true adventure experience to fit your adventure desire in Labuan Bajo. And i will bring you as close as possible to the nature, through the rich culture, marvelous mountains, to the deep blue sea, until colored lakes. Labuan Bajo is in East Nusa Tenggara, Flores. As we all know flores has some of the world's best dive sites, with its main attraction being its popular inhabitant komodo dragons, which are only found in this island. Komodo dragons are known to be endangered and the people of this town has gotten the responsibility of taking care of this beautiful creatures. Reasons to why thousands of people come to this island per year.


Few of the most popular places to visit in Labuan Bajo are Padar Island, Komodo Island, and the infamous "Pink Beach". I will tell you about Padar Island. Padar Island is located between Rinca Island and Komodo Island though it's small, it is the third largest island. Padar it is located around 20 miles or 30kms from Labuan Bajo Harbour. It will take at least 2 hours to reach Padar Island by boat. It is equipt with beautiful landscapes. You can bring your cameras and take pictures on top of the hills and it takes around an hour to reach the summit. I will suggest that everyone be cautious of the steep and rocky track. And i also suggest that everyone use sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.


This is the place where you can meet Flores' national creature, the Komodo Dragon. It will take another hour to reach from Padar Island to Komodo National Park. You will be given four options the Adventure Trek, Long Trek, Medium Trek, and the Short Trek. And you will divided into groups. Roaming around alone his prohibited. Each group will be accompanied by rangers to guide you through the park. The Komodo Dragons are known to be vicious carnivores so for the females on their period are not allowed to enter the park. As we are afraid that the Komodo Dragons can detect the blood and might attack. Beside that you can still take pictures with the Komodo Dragons from a distant. More rules and guides will inform to you by your assigned rangers before entering the park. And please be careful and please be respectful of these rules as to not disturb the animals.



Pink Beach it is a natural phenomenon and this exceptional beach gets its striking color from microscopic animals called Foraminifera, which produce a red pigment on the coral reefs. For this reason it is called Red Beach in the Local Tongue (Pantai Merah). When the tiny fragments of red coral combine with the white sands, this produces the soft pink color that is visible along the shoreline. In the Pink Beach beside of the beauty it offers you can relax in the sand, swim in the water, snorkeling. The corals of the Pink Beach's underwater gardens are in excellent condition, with hundreds of species of both soft and hard corals, and thousand of species of fish. Pink Beach is a terrific choice for snorkelers and beginner divers as even the shallow waters are home to an abundance of species to keep you more than entertained.

This is a little bit information about Labuan Bajo. I hope you guys interested to create a lifetime of memories and experience the beauty is this Island. I want to thank everyone for trusting me as your tour guide and for your attention. Thankyou!




Hello guys!
Welcome to our blog, this is the first time we write about destination in Indonesia.

First of all let me introduce my self. My name is Nabila Dwi Lestari, but you can call me Nabila for short. So guys, I will tell you about Jakarta. Whats interested in Jakarta? What unique traditional about food drink, objek, local transportation in Jakarta, and many more? I think I will tell you a little bit about that information, and I really hope you are interesting to read our blog ;).

So guys, Jakarta is the capital city and popular city of Indonesia. Jakarta has a chance name for the fifth time, the name is Sunda Kelapa, Jayakarta, Batavia, Djakarta, and last until now they called is Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, or you can call “DKI Jakarta” for short. Jakarta is divided into 5+1 regions, namely North Jakarta, East Jakarta, West Jakarta, Central Jakarta, West Jakarta, and Kepulauan Seribu. Guys, the name of Government in Jakarta is Mr. Djarot Syaiful Hidayat. And birth of Jakarta is June 22’ 1527.

Greater Jakarta is a metropolitan area, which is known as JABODETABEK (a name formed by combining the initial syllables of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, is the second largesturban agglomeration in the world. They called name “Betawian” for people from Jakarta.
Jakarta has a many local transportation, cultural, traditional food, traditional drink,traditional music, dance, tourism object and many more. Local transportation in Jakarta is a transjakarta bus, city tour bus, bajaj, bemo, angkot, taxi, commuter rail, and mrt on the process.

Traditional food  and drink in Jakarta is a Gado-Gado or if you know is just like mix vegetable with peanut sauce, and then kerak telor, nasi uduk, soto betawi, asinan, ke cucur, roti buaya (crocodile bread), es selendang mayang, bir pletok (its not alcohol), es doger, es cendol betawi, and many more.

Cultural in Jakarta is Sirih Kuning (dance and music), Jali-Jali (dance and music), Ondel-Ondel (its like big doll and playing by human), Lenong, Tanjidor, and many more.

Tourism object in Jakarta is Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (in there you can found miniature traditional house Indonesia, and many cultural about Indonesia), Taman Impian Jaya Ancol ( you can found Dufan, Waterpark, Beach, Restaurant, Mall, Ragunan Zoo, Museum Kota Tua (Old Town), National Monument
(landmark in Jakarta), Setu Babakan, and many more.

So guys, maybe that is a little bit information about Jakarta that I can telling you, and I hope you guys interested to coming Jakarta as soon as possible. Thankyou for reading!


Selasa, 26 September 2017


Apa itu Karakteristik Wisatawan? Karakteristik Wisatawan adalah suatu karakter wisatawan yang bepergian yang biasanya digambarkan "who, wants, what, where, when, why, and how much?". Karakteristik dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu:

1. Karakteristik Sosio-Demografis
  • Karakteristik Sosio-Demografis merupakan karakter yang digunakan untuk mencoba menjawab pertanyaan who, wants, what. Pertanyaan tersebut yang paling sering dilakukan untuk kepentingan analisis pariwisata, perencanaan, dan  pemasaran. Yang termasuk karakteristik sosio-demografis adalah jenis kelamin, umur, status perkawinan, tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan, kelas sosial, ukuran keluarga, dan jumlah anggota keluarga yang dielaborasi dari karakteristik tersebut. Contohnya seperti tingkat pendidikan seseorang dengan pekerjaan dan tingkat pendapatannya, serta usia dalam status perkawinan dan ukuran keluarga. Pembagian wisatawan yang berdasar pada karakteristik sosio-demografis ini memang paling nyata dan berkaitan dengan pola wisata yang mereka lakukan. Jenis kelamin dan kelompok umur yang mempunyai kaitan dengan berbagai pilihan dan jenis wisata yang dilakukan. Jenis pekerjaan pada seseorang dan tipe keluarga, jelas akan berpengaruh pada waktu luang yang dimiliki orang tersebut, lebih lanjut, pada kemampuan wisatanya. Selain karakteristik sosio-demografis, karakteristik lain yang bisa digunakan dalam mengelompokan wisatawan yaitu karakteristik psikografis, dan tingkah laku atau behavior.

2. Karakteristik Geografis
  • Karakteristik Geografis bisa membagi wisatawan berdasar pada lokasi tempat tinggalnya, biasanya hal itu dibedakan menjadi desa, kota, dan provinsi, atau dari negara asalnya. Pembagian seperti ini, bisa saja berlanjut juga dan dapat dikelompokan berdasar ukuran atau size kota tempat tinggal atau kota kecil, menengah, besar atau metropolitan, kepadatan dan penduduk di kota. 

3. Karakteristik Psikografis
  • Karakteristik Psikografis bisa membagi wisatawan ke dalam kelompok-kelompok yang berdasar pada kelas sosial life style, dan karakteristik personal. Wisatawan pada kelompok demografis yang sama, bisa saja mempunyai profil psikografis yang cukup berbeda. Beragamnya karakteristik dan latar belakang dari wisatawan itu yang menyebabkan macam-macam keinginan, dan kebutuhan mereka pada suatu produk wisata. Pengelompokan-pengelompokan pada wisatawan, bisa memberi informasi mengenai alasan pada tiap kelompok yang mengunjungi objek wisata yang berbeda, seberapa besar ukuran kelompok tersebut, pola pengeluaran setiap kelompok, dan kesetiaannya terhadap produk wisata tertentu, adanya sensitivitas pada mereka, adanya perubahan harga produk wisata, hingga respons kelompok kepada berbagai bentuk iklan produk wisata. Selanjutnya, pengetahuan mengenai wisatawan diperlukan dalam merencanakan suatu produk wisata yang digunakan dan sesuai dengan keinginan kelompok pasar tertentu, termasuk melakukan dan merencanakan strategi pemasaran yang pas untuk kelompok pada pasar tersebut.